By Akin Ojumu
Communication is essentially now no more than Twittering, Instant Messaging, and Facebooking. Language is reduced to abbreviations and symbols; LOL, TTYL, OMG, , , =)). The world, as it were, now speaks in thumbs, as the thumb has replaced the tongue as the organ for speech.
Subtly – but surely – time takes its toll on all of us and we all age before our eyes. Like the small hand of the clock, we discern it is happening, but cannot see it happening.
With age comes change. As one day morphs into the next day, and the baton of life is passed from year to year, it is amazing how much change each transition brings. The hairlines recede, the waistlines bulge spilling over the waistband, and the eyes squint real hard to see.
As we change so does the world around us. Languages metamorphose, knowledge increases, and technology advances. The world we live in increasingly gets more complex – I guess every generation of mankind has that to say about their own world.
The world, through science and philosophy, seeks solutions to nature’s challenges, and science in return provides the tools with which nature is subdued, transforming the landscape of human existence. More than ever before, our society relies on philosophical ruminations and scientific illuminations to provide the evidence that explains the phenomenon of being. We turn to science to explain supernatural events and with philosophy we create rules for civil engagements.
The human mind – that mystery beyond comprehension, the puzzle that is impossible to solve – is not at all immune to change. On the contrary the mind is the foundation of all the changes that we see; it is from the inward part that all changes begin.
Every one of us seems to be living in our own cyber cocoon. Communication is essentially now no more than Twittering, Instant Messaging, and Facebooking.
“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out…” Jeremiah 17:9 (The Message)
To be fair science has done a lot of good for the world. We are all witnesses to the impact of scientific advancement on our society. The world is a better place today than it was a few years ago. Life expectancy has more than doubled for most people, as a result of better health and healthier lifestyle. Science has found answers for many diseases. To a large extent the natural elements have been tamed. Science helps introduce efficient and effective processes and procedures to our daily endeavors, which enable us all to live more productive lives. The world has come a long way from striking stone against stone in order to produce fire. Horses and bogies, as the sole and fastest means of transportation, have given way to supersonic jets. We no longer use birds as our mail carrier because, better and faster means of communication have now been developed. Strangely enough though, even with the sophistry and variety of available means of communication at our disposal, it appears we communicate even less. Every one of us seems to be living in our own cyber cocoon. Communication is essentially now no more than Twittering, Instant Messaging, and Facebooking. Language is reduced to abbreviations and symbols; LOL, TTYL, OMG, , , =)). The world, as it were, now speaks in thumbs, as the thumb has replaced the tongue as the organ for speech.
Scientific discoveries, in and of themselves, are a proof of the wonderful work of God in creation. They are not, and cannot, be evidence to the contrary. For who but a super intelligent mind could have engineered the complex structure and functions of the human body? Only the Almighty God could have laid out the universe in its entire splendor with everything in its place in an orderly array. When you walk on a crowded street and you look around you, what do you see? All around you are a sea of faces…so many faces, each one different from the other – African, Asian, Caucasian and Latino – and no two faces looking exactly the same. The sheer magnitude of it all makes you marvel at the awesomeness of the Creator of the Universe.
“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” Romans 1:20
Rather than glorifying God with each scientific breakthrough, the heart of man is lifted up in pride and arrogance. Puffed up in his knowledge and wisdom, he thumbs his nose at the One who stretched forth the heavens and set the earth on a firm foundation, and breathed his own life into men and women.
“Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.” Romans 1:28
The sepulcher of the human soul is littered with vain things. The mooring on the mind has been loosed. Man’s mind is adrift in the sea of immorality and his soul marooned in the island of depravity. He is trapped in the cesspool of wantonness and he is enslaved in the enclave of lasciviousness. Right and wrong has now taken on new meaning. The innate difference that exists between a man and a woman, which for generations is accepted as the way we are meant to be, is rejected. A man can now claim he is a woman and live like one, and a woman, as a man do likewise. As the crisis of identity ensues the light rapidly dims on the honorable institution of marriage.
The scary part in all of these is that the pace of change is proceeding at a lightning speed. Like a freight train that has lost control the world barrels downhill toward its destiny, the day of Divine retribution; when we stand before a righteously angry God.
From where I’m standing, that day is not too far out of sight. It’s high time I built an ark.
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