By Pastor Julie Akhimien
When God ordains a thing, nothing stops it from happening. He knows the paths to choose in bringing His utmost desire to fruition, He knows what buttons to press to kick start a plan; He has the blue prints all in place in order to make His counsel stand and make His will prevail despite all odds.
Our God is a God of humour so; He brings joy and laughter into our lives in ways more than one, ways that far surpasses our wildest dreams and imaginations. Having an understanding of these attributes of God will help one fathom the reason why He would bring two people together under circumstances that go beyond the norm and make out of their union, a wonderful story in our days. This is the story behind the glory which we now experience today.
It all began in the little town of Akure in Ondo State over two decades ago at the Federal Polytechnic, Akure, (now, Ado-Ekiti). Our lives were already staged by God to experience a dynamic change, a change in history that will cause our generation to marvel and we did not know.
Young, vibrant and zealous for God, we both belong to the Christian Union/Nifes and serving the Lord without reservation. Knowing how God speaks was a virtue we both possess. We knew the voice of our father and were consistent in following Him. So, when He began to speak concerning His plans for a future life together, it seemed like a dream but because God cannot lie, we trusted Him to make good His promise. It was not long before it dawned on us that we were on the way to making history and make God proud. Ours was not love at first sight; it was God at the very beginning.
The miracle of two hearts becoming one in our case dates back to 1984, 18th of May to be precise. We had met a year earlier but got engaged a year later. There was no gainsaying about it, God’s hands was upon us to make His counsel stand. He put in our hearts an unfeigned and unequaled love for one another, it was love made in heaven, and we could feel it. What we did not know was that the glory path He had chatted for us was not without huddles and challenges, we were way too excited about our love for one another and discovering what God has in store as per the awesome ministry He has placed in our hands- too glad to be so privileged to be counted amongst the vessels He has chosen to proclaim the good news of the gospel. We love God so much that seeing Him in our lives and seeing ourselves from God’s perspective made us love ourselves with an unselfish love, each one seeking the good of the other. We made a promise to ourselves that we would help one another to make heaven. It was such an awesome feeling, nothing could compare to the bliss this brought to our souls. We were so confident that having a solid foundation in Christ would keep our hopes alive and it did.
Neither of us could deny the fact that God’s love enriched us in ways more than one. The Holy Spirit became an indispensable partner. Our relationship though stirred from a very humble beginning, revolved round three fundamental principle- faithfulness, first to God then to one another; availability and a teachable spirit. As the years went by, we grew to be more faithful, available and teachable and so flourished in every area of our lives having our eyes fixed on God as we looked forward to our future home where, we had promised God we would live to bring glory to His name and impact our generation.
We enjoyed the dividends of trust in our relationship. Knowing that we are accountable to God then to ourselves, we were resolute in making our relationship work. It was not a matter of having our own way but fulfilling God’s mandate. Therefore, our joy knew no bounds when on the 13th of July, 1991, we were joined in Holy Matrimony by God’s general, Archbishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory. It was in the presence God’s people, a wonderful ceremony for which we give God praise always.
Our wedding came seven years after our engagement! Who would have thought it would take that long to get married? Only God. The secret was with Him, He only reveals it to those who fear Him. Now 20 years down memory lane, we know or rather can tell the story of how He has brought us through. God had a plan and was preparing our hearts for a journey which He alone would take us through- in His cosy waiting room. Awesome God.
Our Marriage:
“For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope”. Eccl. 9:4a
It is true, that after wedding comes marriage. Having an anchor that keeps the soul is mandatory for a successful marriage. This anchor is Jesus, the Lord of all. The one who speaks and causes the earth to tremble, He stills the storm by His words, He makes wars to cease by His atoning power. Having Him as the foundation of our home is the secret behind our success story. His presence repels the enemy of our souls; He gives hope for hopeless days, joy in sorrowful moments and peace in turbulent situations.
The first five years of our marriage was very eventful. We did not slack in our zeal for God, joining faith together to be the best that we could be to bring glory to God. Discovering and getting to know more about us now as husband and wife, was an exciting and delightsome experience. God gave us the rare privilege of being so sincere with our feelings and thoughts. We talked about everything without reservation. Like Adam and Eve, we were both naked and not ashamed.
“And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed”. Gen 2:25.
It is no secret what God can do with two hearts which are closely knitted as one in love for one purpose- to bring glory to God. We recorded tremendous successes in ministry-impacting and affecting lives to the glory of God.
At first, it did not occur to us that this might be a delay that is bringing forth our kind, it seems at the beginning we were meant to be patient and not anxious but after a year, we were concerned but not worried.
“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God”. Phil.4:6
We did not miss the fact that God had surrounded us with lovely people who love God like we do. People who we cannot trade for anything in the world; our friends and loved ones. These ones had a common denominator- a genuine concern for us to have our own children. They have begun to pray and fast about the issue trusting that one day, there would be the cry of a baby in our home. As months rolled into years, this group of people increase in their numbers. They now comprise of those whose lives God has enabled us to affect spanning across the continents of the world. For Julie and Festus, there must be a manifestation!
When it began to dawn on us that this was a great challenge, we took solace in the fact that we serve a God who has NEVER lost a battle! Not even once. Our faith and hope was anchored so much in Him that we could not be moved by the pains and disappointments we went through each month when the ‘monthly visitor’ comes.
“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”. Jer. 29:11
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. 2Tim. 2:15.
Our love for each other grew like an oak tree, impenetrable, we were confident that our father and God would help us and just when we feel like fainting, He sends help from above. We held on to His unfailing words and promises.
Months ran into years, first in units then it began to go into teens and we wondered where the end of the road was. It then seems like the end of the rope was near in sight but we held on to God, deciding that if we ever get to the end of the rope, instead of letting go and giving up, we would tie it and continue to hold on.
“If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come”. Job 14:14
Being involved in ministry was great succour but sometimes we try to find answers to the questions in peoples’ eyes and faces but it was not long before we realised that God is the only one who could answer the questions, not us. We got busier for God involving ourselves in the lives of God’s people, giving helping hands to needy folks, making sure that everyone who encounters us had a bit of the God we carry, we were determined to let the savour of Christ in us rob off on everyone God brought our way. God loves people and as His children and representative we could not afford to do less.
What Men Said
“Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety”. Prov. 11:14
As the years rolled by, many people became genuinely concerned. While some encouraged us to keep trusting God; others advised us to adopt children as we continue to trust God. All good pieces of advice were worth considering yet God’s word kept ringing in our hearts – I will bless you with your children.
“For the word that God speaks is alive and full of power (making it active, operative, energizing, and effective). It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life(soul) and (the immortal) spirit, and of joints and marrow, (of the deepest part of our nature) exposing (and) sifting (and) analyzing (and) judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart”. Heb.4:12. (Amplified Version).
In the midst of all, we could only abide by His bidding. To on lookers it seemed as though we were unyielding to advice, without knowing that God is the one to whom we are accountable. We kept straight but smiling faces even in hurting situations. We kept sowing seeds of kindness, seeds of faith, and seeds of honour (in the lives of our parents in the Lord), seeds for tomorrow’s harvest knowing fully well that our bread cast on the waters will return after many days.
There were days of tears as there were painful moments when it seemed as though the end had come with hopelessness staring us in the face, but between us, we told ourselves, ‘no one is hopeless whose hope is in God”. One truth remained standing; no one could help us even if they wanted to. This was not a need anyone could meet, only God! It was not like being in need of money or clothing or house or car or job. This was a need only God could supply and that God is our father!
While waiting, we were determined not to waste! We were resolute about looking up to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Heb 12 v 1-2) so our waiting will not be weighty because we know for sure that without God, our waiting will be a weight. When people saw our disposition, they resolved to keeping faith with us, asking God to hasten His word to perform it. Archbishop told us if your Faith says yes God will not say no.
Now, looking back with gratitude to God, we can testify that His love is everlasting and His mercies, they will never end. We can say our God is good, all the time; He is faithful- for all times. God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
What the Doctor said:
Our quest for solution to the challenge of bearing our kind took us through ‘draining ‘experiences. The doctors made their investigations and could only interpret what they saw with their medical experience. –they concluded “NO HOPE”. Though every one of them tried to proffer solutions but could only go as far as can be. Many gave up on us. Others referred us to what they considered as better than their own setting. We spent and we were spent but God kept our heads above troubled waters. Surgeries were performed severally, the risks notwithstanding. From hysteroscopy to laparoscopy to myomectomy. The first fibroid operation performed ended up with the fallopian tubes stitched to the ovaries. We did not know until four years later when we needed to do a thorough check on the uterus. It was an alarming discovery, but we were grateful to God this was discovered and rectified. With the strong urge to fulfil God’s mandate to multiply we felt, giving up was not an option.
We were emotionally drained but refused to take ‘NO’ for an answer. We attempted IVF severally each attempt was a roller coaster experience. You wonder what kept us going? God’s unfailing promises and His word.
The Bible states emphatically “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion”. (Ecc. 9:4).
“For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant”. (Job14:7-9).
We knew without an iota of doubt that there is an end, an end to barrenness, an end to disappointments, an end to failure. God‘s word declares:
“For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off”. (Prov. 23:18).
One day we took hold of this scripture and said “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”. There must be an end to captivity, end to pain, end to frustration, end to limitations and end to every affliction that seeks to minimize your expectations. We took hold of the ‘monthly flow’ with the pad and began to make declarations as touching its illegality in our lives and home. God heard us and the devil too heard and fled. James 4 v 7 resist and he will flee from you.
We knew that to succeed, we must keep trying so we set our faces like a flint.
“For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed”. Isa. 50:7
Prayer having been our regular succour, kept our heads up. Brethren prayed for us, ministers did same, our friends and our loved ones prayed and supported us financially. The archbishop Benson and Margaret Idahosa prayed, the bishops prayed, pastors and leaders prayed, the children prayed, Word of Faith staff and students prayed, Church of God Mission family prayed, the young couples fellowship members prayed, family members prayed, friends prayed and we could go on and on. The penitent question was: “Did God hear”? We dare say yes!
The last consultant we saw in the U.k advised against any other surgery and asked that we adopt children if we are still desirous to have children. He said this womb could not carry a foetus- how wrong he was- only God can foreclose a matter before Him. God was watching all along. He does not come late, just when it seems we have reached our wits end, He stepped in. He will step into your case today.
At the fullness of time, in our due season, God brought us in contact with Dr. Idahosa of Diff Hospital, Abuja. He was a helper sent and positioned by God to meet our challenges. We wondered why we have not met him before now because out of all the doctors we met during our waiting period, never had any doctor been so positive. We knew of a certainty, God was up to something.
His first expression to us was ‘this is mission possible’. That statement sounded like it came out of the blues but who can refute what God has decided to bring to pass? No one. There are doctors and there are doctors. God chose a path for us, a path we needed to discover, God put helpers in our lives who we must encounter to fulfil destiny, Dr. Idahosa was one of them.
When Prof. Okhuoya and his darling wife Faith suggested for us to go see Dr. Idahosa, we decided to give it a try because we hold them in high esteem as parents and mentors. Considering how far we have gone round, we wondered if any good could come out of Nazareth. Thank God we obeyed. Thank God we heeded their advice; thank God we did not turn our backs. Thank God for prayers and good will, thank God for caring hearts and willing hands, thank God.
There is a reader of this book today whose story is about to be re-written. You have done all that you know to do, you have tried things unprintable, you have even almost given up on God, but why should you? There is no reason whatsoever. The one who holds heaven and earth in place, who knows just how to turn your ashes to beauty and give you joy in place of sorrow, is coming through for you today. Watch out for your way of escape. God showed us our way of escape and made a way for us. It did not come on a platter of gold but it came all the same, just because we listened. Many have lost out in receiving their miracle just because they could not discern their hour of visitation. May that not be your portion in Jesus Name, amen.
God’s word declares “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, what ye may be able to bear it”. (1Cor. 10:13).
Our turning point came when we met the right people in the right place to do the right thing. Our story changed to God’s glory.
God has the final say.
When the Lord turned away the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter. And our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad. (Ps. 126: 1- 4)
The Bible says, “who is he that saith and it cometh to pass when the Lord commanded it not? (Lam: 3:37).
God declares in His word, “behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it”: ... (Rev. 2:8).
For the eyes of the lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. (2Chron. 16:9).
He neither sleeps nor slumbers. He is a covenant keeping God and He keeps His covenant to a thousand generation.
“Know therefore that the Lord thy God, He is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations”; (Deu. 7: 9).
It does not matter how long it takes, God’s promises are irrefutable, indisputable, and undeniable, He is not a man to lie, neither the son of man to repent of what He has said.
“God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good”?. (Numbers 23: 19).
God has the final say in every life challenges. He is the one writing the story of your life and every story He writes, ends well. He knows what the next scene would be in your life, what the next page would reveal in your story but one thing we are confident of is that your story will end well.
After so many years of waiting, our story began to take a wonderful turn as it began to reveal God’s unfailing love and power to deliver. The end to disappointment has come, the end to barrenness has been revealed. God brought people our way to reveal our escape route.
We started treatment at Diff Hospital, Abuja in 2010 January. Having a set of committed, loyal, dedicated, devoted, reliable and dependable doctors led by Dr. Idahosa, we knew we were in safe hands especially as there was this God factor boldly written all over the Hospital.
The treatment stated with another surgery, a daring one but God was there. After about six hours, God through the hands of these dedicated men and women, brought out what was to be the last set of fibroids in the uterus before our God given miracle child arrived.
A total of forty-one fibroids were removed. They were of different shapes and sizes. Looking at the bowl where they were kept, we wondered where a child would have stayed in that womb! The miracle of recovering so fast could not be undermined. God was at work. Soon after recovery, we started trying again for a baby. An end to disappointment was in sight, our hopes were rekindled again. We could not be deterred. We were not ready to look back or turn back.
The last attempt that birthed our miracle was like a dream. Before now, waist pain was a household term just before the period comes but it did not seem to be so much this time around although once in a while, a pang would attempt to rise. The usual two weeks wait was like waiting forever but somehow we knew the end was in sight.
We could hardly wait for the day to do the pregnancy test. When the waist pain came again, we decided to do it a day before. The test strip available did not have instructions on it. We were apprehensive. We did it and it was positive. We were not used to seeing positive pregnancy test. You would understand then why we were over the clouds. We knelt by our bed side and thanked God wondering if we would be able to sleep that night. Did we just test positive for pregnancy? Oh God! Awesome is your name.
Endless thoughts flooded our hearts and minds that night. Is this truly the end of our search? The enemy of our souls, the devil tried to pull his last string by bringing doubtful thoughts but we were not ignorant of his devices, he was better ignored. Our father in the Lord, the Archbishop Benson Idahosa taught us not to give the devil attention so he does not give us direction. At this particular instance, we ignored the enemy and listened to the voice of our maker.
It must be true, God cannot lie. The next morning came, true to God’s faithfulness. We woke up with great excitement. We both had a pregnancy test kit in our hands; it is at the mouth of two or three witnesses that a word is established. Carrying out this particular pregnancy test was so unique, we knew what the result would be, and we were overjoyed. Lo and behold, the waiting time was over, the result showed clearly on the window. The deed is done; the Lord has come through for us this time around. We screamed loud as we could, we wept for joy, we shouted with high praise to heaven, oh God, oh God, you are faithful. We knelt and prayed. Prayers of thanksgiving.
This beginning of miracles that God began to do in the lives of Julie and Festus. We sat down and considered and realised that only God could have done this and it will stand. The Bible says:
“... A man can receive NOTHING, except it be given him from heaven”. (John 3:27).
We have been privileged to receive from heaven, from God, what a mighty God we serve.
The days and weeks that followed were full of joy, apprehension and great expectations. The greatest miracle of our time in our days and in our lives was in the making yet the world does not know, only the two of us or rather only those who were concerned.
We began to recount from the very beginning, how it all began. We remembered the prophesies pronounced by the Archbishop Benson Idahosa and later by our mama, the “man” called mama, a wonderful mother indeed who never cease to pray to see God’s promise in our lives fulfilled. We recount with tears in our eyes how that some doctors wrote us off while others despised us. We remember some painful comments some people have made out of ignorance. We remember with gratitude to God, our friends and our loved ones who have stood by us all these years, praying, fasting and trusting. So, finally, we are going to be parents? All these thoughts were way too much for us to fathom or bear.
God was not asleep after all, He has always been there. The God who does not forget His own. It dawned on us that our almost two decades journey of waiting in God’s cosy waiting room was coming to an end, in nine months, what we waited to get for two hundred and thirty months, that is spanning through a period of 19yrs and two months will soon be in our hands, now how can you explain or fathom that?
Like Elizabeth and John, we decided to go into hiding, we needed to handle this with great discretion and God helped us. Gradually, the days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Truly God has placed life in our bowels, how awesome, how huge, what a privilege!
Julie was so healthy. There was no morning sickness. This ought to have made her glad but it brought doubts to her mind. How so often we think things have to be hard before we can belief. God have mercy. It soon dawn on us that the path God has chosen to bring forth our first child was an easy one having kept us waiting for this long. No sickness was in sight.
And the baby grew with great grace accompanying his conception. We were not sure what sex he would be but we could not be bothered. It is enough that God has blessed us with a child, the sex was not an issue, it was the least of all our worries but when the 4D scan revealed his true identity; we were not surprised because God had spoken once and we heard Him twice! That our first child would be a boy, how organised God can be.
The enemy will always want to attempt to show his presence but he is powerless where the grace of God abounds. At 23wks, bleeding started. The first thought was that the pregnancy was going to be aborted but not so fast Mr. Devil, God already won the battle before it began. We knew we were on the winning side. Our mama, Archbishop M. Benson Idahosa being in the know kept our hope alive through her words of encouragement and prayers. It was a trying moment. How do you explain the fact that a pregnant woman is bleeding yet the baby intact? The hand that holds heaven and earth in place was at work.
Week in and week out, blood will pour not flow, pouring like rain. God bless Dr. Idahosa and the entire team working with him. God released such much grace upon them that was unequalled; He, God, made them equal to the task. Bed rest was inevitable; we kept our calm knowing fully well that whatever God does abides forever.
It was an indescribable experience feeling the baby’s kicks and seeing his heartbeats. God humbled us with those experiences, we felt closer to His throne of grace more than ever. What a privilege. It was not long before we began to count down to delivery yet the bleeding never stopped. God does what pleases Him in ways more than one. He is the sovereign God, ‘omnikemukemu’, the unsearchable and unquestionable God.
And so it was that on the 24th of April, 2011 on a beautiful Easter morning, our beloved son, God’s promise fulfilled, arrived amidst shouts of joy and jubilation. This was the 20th year of our union. What a joy, what a glorious moment it was. His first cry was so reassuring; his fingers were positioned as making a victory sign. Indeed, this is victory for the entire body of Christ, victory for the Church of God Mission family, victory for our household, victory for Christiandom.
Samuel Eloghosa Osahon Testimony Festus-Great Akhimien was born on that beautiful Easter morning, as nothing could hold Jesus Christ in the grave, nothing could stop Samuel from coming to fulfil his God given mandate on earth. God cuts through the edges to accomplish His counsel. He makes the mountains to skip at the awesomeness of His power.
The news of Samuel’s birth soon rends the air first at the Headquarter Church, Faith Miracle Centre then through the entire world. Brethren were ecstatic, while some simply worshipped God, others lifted up their seats in praise and some others rolled on the floor with tears of joy and gladness all over their faces. Songs of praise filled the air, dance of joy and rejoicing. The joy in the air knew no bounds; it was contagious for the young and the old, the strong and the feeble. God has visited His people and the voice of the turtle is heard again in our land.
Our God is good and there is no gainsaying about it. He is faithful and true. He is kind and righteous altogether. This miracle is one for all and we cannot thank God enough.
People wonder what kept us together these twenty years and we tell them God did. His grace was all encompassing; His love did not fail us so we could not fail one another. God gave us eyes to see each other the way He sees us, He gave us trusting hearts to trust Him and extend the trust to one another, He gave us strength, unfailing strength to hold one another when the road became so sleepy, our hearts almost failed us but like David, we believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
All through these twenty years, we never thought of leaving ourselves because that was not the solution. Our hope was firmly on the rock of our salvation, the God who makes and not mar people, the one who gives hope to the hopeless, beauty for ashes and joy in sorrow, He alone is God.
Today, we hold in our hands our miracle child, peaceful and loving. We could not have asked God for more, he is everything any parent would want in a child and so much more. Indeed the gift of God is good and perfect. Keep your hope in God alive, He will not disappoint you. God cannot lie, God cannot fail, God cannot abandon you. He is the restorer of waiting years, He will come through for you. AMEN.
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