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The thought of Ekaette made him smile with the corner of his lips. Yes! He had been talking to her for almost two years and he would admit that he had grown quite fond of her but there was nothing more to their relationship. He was a Christian and wouldn't think of having an affair.
For the rest of the day, he thought about how he would explain to Busola that there was nothing going on. But how would he explain the endearing words he used for Ekaette? They had become so close that he had gotten so comfortable with her and it felt a bit inappropriate just calling her by her name. They talked about everything and anything, things he wouldn't dare tell his wife, Busola.
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That was one reason he didn't tell her about Ekaette when he first noticed they were getting close. There was nothing serious between them then yet, he couldn't tell his wife.
Samson walked in with these thoughts expecting to meet a very upset woman but to his astonishment, she was sleeping on the sofa or was she? He walked straight into their bedroom quietly.
Ekaette could not believe her eyes when she saw Busola's message. It was a dream come true! Finally she had a chance to steal Samson from his wife.
"Hmmmn" She thought
It wasn't her plan to break anyone's home but what could she do now that she had fallen in love with him? This whole thing started with an innocent text message she sent to Samson to thank him for accommodating her in their house before her emotions got in the way. She had tried to ignore it. The more she tried, the more they grew closer and the more her feelings for him grew.
Even when she subtly suggested it, he refused vehemently saying they should just remain friends. "We are Christians." He had said.
She had tried to make them see each other but he wouldn't! He really loved his wife but she wouldn't stop trying. Now that his wife was aware they had been texting, knowing how jealous and protective Busola was, she knew that it would show discord between them and she would have her chance.
Busola woke up from her feigned sleep when she knew Samson had settled down. She went to their bedroom.
"Oh darling, you're back? Why didn't you wake me?" She said pretending to cover a yawn.
"I didn't want to disturb you " He said without looking up
"Your food is on the table. Won't you have dinner? I made your favourite. " She said
"I'm not hungry Busola. I need to get some rest. " He said and laid back to sleep.
Busola was surprised and really worried. She knew he must have gotten her text by the way he was acting but she was confused as to why he wasn't saying anything.
"What do I do? " She thought to herself
"I must get rid of this strange woman! I won't allow her to destroy a home I worked hard to build. No way! "
The rest of the week was so quiet and awkward. After the usual greetings, they didn't say much to each other. Busola resumed prayer and fasting. What she couldn't get physically, she would get spiritually.
One morning at work, Adams, Samson's colleague and friend asked after Busola. "Sammy boy! How is your wife? You are adding so much weight. She must be really taking care of you. "
"She's fine. " He said aptly
Adams noticed Samson's tone and the frown on his face.
"Guy, hope there's no problem? This your face says there is. " Adam asked
"It's just a little issue but I'll sort it out and I don't want to talk about it. " Samson replied
Adams knew Samson wasn't going to talk about it like he said so he didn't pester him.
"Whatever it is friend, don't forget she is the wife of your youth and you owe it to her to make her happy. Take care of the precious gift God gave you. " Adams said and patted him on his back
"Thank you. "
"See you later. "
After Adams left, Samson thought about what he said. Truly Busola was the wife of his youth and he loved her. He loved her but they had grown distance apart, it's like marriage took away their friendship as the years rolled by. There were a lot of things he didn't like and he couldn't say because he was afraid she wouldn't understand and start her usual prayer and fasting so he kept quiet most of the time.
Just then, a text message dropped on his phone. It was Ekaette.
"I miss you. How have you been? Call me, please."
He didn't reply the text. "What am I doing? "He thought to himself
"I have to make things right with the wife of my youth. I just hope she gets me this time. "
Meanwhile, Busola was so frustrated that she went to see her mentor, Mrs Oladipupo. She met Mrs Oladipupo at one of their womens' meeting in church. She was the guest speaker and she spoke about having a successful marriage. She really enjoyed her teaching that after the programme, she had gone to talk to her. And that was how she built a relationship with her which blossomed over the years.
She had called Mrs Oladipupo earlier to inform her she was coming to see her. When she got to her office, the receptionist led her into her office.
"Good afternoon ma" Busola said
"Oh my dear! Good afternoon. It's so good to see you. " Mrs Oladipupo said as she welcomed her in a warm embrace
Busola couldn't hold back her tears. She let them pour freely.
"Oh dear... It's ok. " Mrs Oladipupo comforted her
When Busola was a bit calm, Mrs Oladipupo looked at her tenderly and urged her to spill it all.
"Ma, I don't know what to do again. I'm really fed up with my marriage. "
Busola said amidst sobs
"What is the problem dear? " She asked
"I suspect my husband is having an affair. I sent him a text message to warn him but can you believe that he pretended he didn't see it and has since not been speaking to me? I have prayed and fasted. In fact, I don't have the strength to fast again. I am just tired! " Busola explained
"Hmmmn. First of all, I can see this is based on an assumption. Acting on an assumption is wrong. What if there's really nothing going on? Also, why would you communicate such a sensitive matter via a text message when you know he would be coming home? Have you both grown so apart that you cannot talk to your husband about how you feel to his face? My dear, you need to go back home and talk to your husband and also listen to him. Praying without actions will not help you. Remember what the word of God says in the book of Proverbs? 'A wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman?... ' "
"Destroys it ma "
"Ahhh " Busola sighed
She felt like a burden had been lifted off her. She was wrong in so many ways.
"Thank you so much Ma for these words. I will do better. " Busola thanked her
"It is well my dear. God bless you. " Mrs Oladipupo said
They talked about other things before Busola made to leave .
"I should be on my way now ma. My husband will soon be back. "
"OK dear. My regards to him. "
When Busola left Mrs Oladipupo's office, she went straight to the market to get some food items. She was going to cook her husband's favourite, Egusi soup. On her way back from the market, she sent a text to him.
"I miss you darling. Let's talk tonight. "
She went straight home and cooked the meal. As she finished cooking, she got a text from her husband.
"I miss you more. We have a lot to talk about. "
She was really excited that she would finally talk to her husband.
At about 6:30pm, she heard Samson park his car in the garage. She waited for him in the sitting room dressed in a beautiful gown he bought for her few years ago on their third year anniversary.
Samson walked into the house to see his wife dressed so beautifully. She looked so stunning that he didn't know when he carried her into a big hug. He couldn't remember the last time he saw her dressed like that.
"Welcome baby. " Busola said with a broad smile on her lips
"Dinner is ready and we are eating together. "
"Wow! I'm in for a treat tonight! " Samson exclaimed
"Yes, you are." Busola said winking at him
They ate quietly staring at each other. It was the best meal they had had in months.
"Sweetheart, I'm really sorry about the text message. I'm sorry for assuming and for not talking to you. I... " Busola started
"It's ok darling " He interrupted her
"I'm sorry for the way I reacted to. There was just a lot of explanation to do and I feared you wouldn't have understood me so I didn't say anything about it. I know that was wrong and I'm sorry. "
"It's ok. But what are the things you need to explain? "Busola asked
"Hmmmn... First of all Busola, I want you to know I love you and I would never cheat on you. Besides the fact that I love you, I love God. So you need to learn to trust me. Ekaette is just a friend and even though I admit we got a bit too close, nothing happened. The thing is I always feel like you don't want to talk to me. I sometimes feel like you would prefer praying all day through the week than talking to me. You don't pay attention to me. For example, I came in three weeks ago at about 10pm and you didn't think anything was wrong. You say you love me but you don't let me see it, I don't feel loved. I only see you smile when you want something. And errrm... Look how beautiful you look tonight, it's like you looked this fine last on our wedding day.. I tried to talk to you few times but you thought the devil was using me to get on your nerves. " Samson explained while Busola listened like Mrs Oladipupo advised.
After few minutes of meditating on what Samson said, she finally spoke.
"My husband, I didn't realize all these until now that you just said it and I wish I had listened earlier. I guess I had truly paid less attention to you and that doesn't mean I don't love you. I do love you. About the looking good part, babe, I need a help. It's not easy combining work with house chores, the kids and looking good. Thank goodness the kids are at their grandma's right now, you know how it gets. If you could allow me get someone who would come and do some house chores and go, I would really appreciate that. And I promise to adjust. "
"Ok dear. That won't be problem as long as he or she would come and go. You know I don't like the idea of live-in helps. "
"Thanks love. I love you. "
"Always and forever. "
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