Hey! my name is God and I love to quicken dead stuff.
Darkness, Deep boring darkness..damp, not good..I want light.
Aha..man, look at him ,fresh and new..replenish, dominate..
The conspiracy of a trusted servant..the fall.
What will restore man?..who will reinstate man?..re-New man?
So begins the entire story:
Yuck! you stink! How about washing with the blood? You will look good in new clothes..garments of praise.
I don't like stale stale food, what are you doing with yesterday’s manna?..Come on out, get fresh fire, yummy, the taste of freshly baked daily bread.
Now go quickly, get a mirror..where are you going?..to the bathroom, to the mirror.
Oh no, not that mirror come on to the mirror of the word..now lookee..you like?
What do you see?..I see a cross..and?..I see a man on the cross..it’s Jesus..look a little closer
am looking I can’t see..wait let me turn on the Gehazi* switch..now look again.
Ha,I see me! Yes you, the old you with all his passions and lust hanging on that cross and now you live with the Newness of life.
A new nature. A new name. A new hope. A new covenant.
I don't like stale stale food, what are you doing with yesterday’s manna?..Come on out, get fresh fire, yummy, the taste of freshly baked daily bread.
Come into my office, come..where is your office?..The holy of holies..no I wont’ come, people die there, that's the place with the veil, cherubim, the ark ..no..Wha? no body told you the veil has been ripped? You have a new high priest by whom you come. But I have no bulls and sheep for sacrifice..Of course I know, how many bulls do you suppose it will take..sheep.goats..all them sacrifice brought me no pleasure..so I came up with a better one, a new one, my blood has already being given, just bring up a sacrifice of praise, the fruits of your lips!
Hey sun, wake up, quickly bring forth a new day...The sweetness of new wine....sip, taste, guzzle, you know what, jump into it..
Are you still looking at the mirror..yes. Again you like?..no Lord i don't like..its a grave i hate graves the scare me..Fear? Where did you get such a spirit? Come on look in it, what do you see? A body..Jesus..Oh come on did some one turn off the Gehazi switch?..Dont you see the old man dead..now lift your eyes look at my side..you like?..you must be joking that can’t be..what? that can’t be you? Hahahaha your eyes have not seen nor your heart comprehend what am up to...
Put down the tablet with the ten come follow the law of love.
Soon a new body, let loose with the trump of an archangel..a body that can fly, see through walls hear through eternity and time, appear and disappear, at same time have a sweet tooth with no worry of dental caries!*
Sing a new song! Shout aloud! Come to me, renew your strength, get into a new level of prayer, stuff your mind with the word..say something new to your wife, something sizzling!
Seek out new time with me, keep your thoughts in the holy of holies.
Look, see the vagabond is coming back..the lying cunning treacherous and unfaithful one..your heart is swept , clean, fresh and full, full of hope, life, Spirit inspired vitality. Listen unclean one..its occupied!
Never put me in a box.Never get used to me.Did I tell you something yesterday? Did I give you an idea yesterday? I did.Good so have you come to follow up on the rest of the plan? I am never cramped up.Never. I eternally explode in freshness. I can tell one go take a bath in the Jordan, it could please me to use a raven..when am in the mood I can get an angel to make you a meal.You know what? Today I will heal with a shadow, tomorrow I will spit in some mud and put it in his eyes.
There is nothing new under the sun..the new creature is unleashed in the Son.
Listen my righteous one, I like to quicken and make alive mortal bodies, I loves seeing dead bones live again.
Ezekiel! Lazarus! tell them. Hey Saul now Paul show them, tell them how I just love to make alive dead stuff. Jabesh, shout it out to them.
I am in the mood ,I do a new thing, I am getting tired of this gig, what say you about a new heaven and a new earth?
*Luke 24:41-43 **2kings 6:17
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